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We believe that passion leads to creativity
Likewise, Ardeur de l'amour originated from the great passion for BJD, and our immense creative imaginations eagerly await to be made into a reality.

Dating back to many years ago, we were just a group of BJD collectors who deeply enjoy dressing up our little friends. We derive much pleasure from having our imaginations become a true creation. Then, we learn how to do a face-up for our dolls. After that, we started making these tailored little outfits, together with other intricate accessories to fulfill our deepest passion. And today, our imaginations finally turn into Ardeur.
… Ardeur de l'amour…

The Realm for those who are passionate about BJD.

Here…we make all your dreams and imaginations come true.

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  The Beginning of Ardeur de l’amour
If someone were to ask how Ardeur started from, the answer would be “friendships”.

Ardeur is born out of the imaginations and efforts of three girls — Elle, Shun Acho, and Rinnarin. And come to think of it, we have been friends for almost 20 years already!

Actually, the three of us are so different in so many ways. For example, when we were in college, Elle majored in Business Administration, while Shun studied Medical Technology, and Rin opted for a course in Design. It’s like we are from a totally different planet, right? However, the one thing that we have in common is our love for “comic books”. It doesn’t mean that we only love ‘reading’, but we also love ‘drawing’, and finding people who share this same interest…and that is exactly how we found each other.

Simply put, what brings and ties us together in the first place must have been that “cartoon”.

From then on, our love for ‘Comics’ (which was a really long time ago) has developed into ‘Cosplay’, and now…‘Ball Jointed Dolls (BJDs)’.

Of course, we still very much enjoy comic books and cosplay, but nowadays it seems like most of our time is devoted entirely to BJD. Because, we like BJD too much to stop at just being a collector…we want to do something more! And so, today Shun becomes a Face Up Artist who has created hundreds of gorgeous BJD faces
, while RIN is a costume designer making beautiful clothes for our beloved BJD. And Elle, she thought that one day when the opportunity fianlly comes, they shold be able to turn their passions into something that they can make a living from.

  Why 'Artist meets Commercial'?
That is because we want to create our work in ‘Artist’ style. Often times, Artists are the ones who are truly passionate about BJD, and they invest all energies and imaginations into crafting of clothes, face-ups, accessories, and etc. for their perfect dolls. But surely, small amount of products can only be made, because they were the sole creator.

So, our task is clear. We want to
turn this passion into something that we can also earn a living from. That means we have to set up a business model where we can create and sell a good sum of products…and this is how the concept ‘Artist meets Commercial’ originated. 

Every item of Ardeur’s clothes and accessories is carefully designed and made with utmost dedications by our experienced team of designer and seamstresses, and We work diligently in selecting the best quality material for making of BJD clothes and accessories. This is to ensure that our products live up to the high expectation of our customers.

  What Makes our Products Unique?
Our main product lines are outfits, and accessories such head dress, or scarf — these are one-of-a-kind products made by ourselves. But we also offer other products for BJD customization such as Glass Eyes, Face Mask, Silicone Cap, S HOOK, Elastic, MSC. This is part of our effort in providing convenience to our customers — by making our store a ‘one-stop service’ where you can purchase our clothing along with other necessary parts selected from quality sources. We’re essentially a BJD costume Boutique.

Our outfits are categorized into 4 groups: Basic, Collection No., Limited Collection, and One Off.

  • Basic
    Let’s first talk about ‘Basic’. Our ‘Basic’ clothing line doesn’t put much emphasis on the details, but there’ll be some patterns and embellishments specific to each design. They are primarily made to be teamed up with outfits or accessories that you already own
    ! They could be designed as a ‘multi-wear’, or sometimes a plain piece, such as a pair of long black trousers. Despite its simplicity, the cutting and contour are well-accentuated. ReplicaTimepiece

  • Collection no.
    Our ‘Collection No.’ clothing line will be regularly released every 1-2 months at a time…running in a number series. Each number has its own unique style, design, and detail. The concept of each collection will be different, offering a wide variety of options. All outfits in ‘Collection No.’ line will be created in ‘sets’. Each set has clothing pieces that can be worn separately, so you can create several distinctive look or mix them up with other costumes.

  • Limited Collection
    Our ‘Limited Collection’ consists of clothing items that truly reflect our designing skills in ‘Artist’ style — both with the design and materials used. Most of the materials used are personally hand-picked by us from various quality sources in Japan. This is because their color, pattern, and intricate details of lace and fabric pieces fit together nicely with our style. The ‘Limited Collection’ line does not come out very often, but only available on special occasion or depend on when our designer’s artistic imagination has come to ripe! And likewise, every outfits offer many customizing possibilities.

  • One off
    Our ‘One Off’ line is as fabulous in terms of the design and materials as our ‘Limited Collection’ line, but it will be revealed maybe only one or two times per year. What is so special about our ‘One Off’ line is that they are each ONE-OF-A-KIND, will not be replicated in the future, and are created specifically on a particular design concept for that special occasion. 
So, the unique characteristics of Ardeur’s clothing can be summed up to ‘versatility’. Our outfits are designed to be applicable to many different looks for BJD, only limited by your creative imagination! Or you can easily do a ‘mix & match’ with other costume or accessories that you already have…so all the clothes are fully utilized, and helps add a bit more fun to the customization of your dolls.

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     Why do we use ‘butterfly’ for our store’s logo?
Because butterfly is a universal symbol of beauty and grace. Whenever we see butterfly, we’re always reminded of its breathtaking colors and patterns. So, every time our butterfly logo appears, we hope that our customers will think of the beautifully-made clothes for their beloved dolls.   

Aside from having it as the logo for our store, the butterfly is also a representative for our BJD models, who can be considered ‘the beauty ambassador’ for Ardeur. Because without these models, our costumes are not complete. Once someone wears them, they could then truly amplify the exquisite splendor of Ardeur’s clothing.

Therefore, Ardeur is like the Kingdom of Dreams where all the butterflies gather together to bring our imaginations to a beautiful life in the real world.

  "Messages from the hearts of three founders of
Ardeur de l'amour"

I have a confession to make…I never thought I would work with anything related to dolls!

I remember quite clearly that when I was in a second grade, I saw a Barbie doll, and fell in love with it right away. I wanted to have one for myself, but it was rather a luxury item at that time, so I couldn’t have it. Then when I grew a little older, someone gave me a baby doll—sucking on a pacifier, has a short blonde hair, and can close its eyes. I was over the moon, and name it ‘Meme’, and we stay together ever since.

But when I become more mature, other things got more interesting, and Meme remained just in my distant memory. Now, I cannot even remember where Meme is, but Meme is surely the only one doll in my memory that I will forever cherish.

When people grow older and become adults, they have more responsibilities. And sometimes, our joyful childhood memory can easily be forgotten. But today, I feels like I gets to revisit those happy moments again.

Thank you, Shun and Rin for sharing stories about dolls with me, and make ‘Ardeur de l’amour’ comes true today.

Thank you, Shun and Rin for helping me realize the enchantment of dolls...until I got a doll for myself for the first time in my life (even though now it is still faceless, and still waiting for Shun to spare some free time to do the face-up ^ ^’)

Thank you, Shun and Rin for agreeing to walk together on this path with me.

The three of us dream that Ardeur will be another kingdom that brings joy and happiness to all the doll collectors, just like it does to us.


Shun Acho

Shun Acho
There’s a saying “if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life”. I always thought I would like to be able to do that someday, but never imagine that the dream that I told Elle four years ago (when I just started playing BJD) would actually come true.

Dolls can have enchanting spell on people. It’s magical to bring a liveless dolls back to life by our hands. It’s amazing that dolls from the same mold can come out looking totally different with a distinctive face-up, unique character-building, or how people play them. Because, playing doll is very flexible, it always inspires an endless customizing possibilities according to the player’s creativity.

I started to become even more fascinated with dolls until it seems to play a big part in my life. And now, it got to the point that ‘playing dolls’ is not only a play, but it is an art, a relaxation, a child, and a dream. How great it would be if I can share this dream and imaginations with other doll-lovers. How magnificent would it be if dolls are to be accepted as other valuable arts. And this is why ‘Ardeur de l'amour’ is originated. 

Let me just say that before there’s ‘Ardeur’ today, it was not exactly an easy task. Although I had expected it, to make our dreams come true or just as close as possible, is a lot harder than we ever thought. But the three of us never lose hope, because we always believe that with strong determinations, good intentions, wonderful feelings, not insulting oneself, and respect to others, along with a companion whom we trust; we are all equipped to make any impossibilities possible!

Ardeur is only the beginning of a dream. There are still so many other things exist in imaginations, waiting to come true. I truly hope that Ardeur could be another part that help fulfill the dream, inspiring further creativty of all the doll-lovers.



Hi, everyone. This is Rinnarin. First of all, I must say I never thought I would do anything related to clothes. More importantly, the decision was entirely and willingly my own >////<

Going back to when I was a child, I felt that sewing class was super boring!! (a compulsory class at my school). At that age, I was not into dolls at all, but always hanging out with the boys (climbing tree, spooning wigglers, catching lizards or millipede -_-‘). But I loved drawing, especially paper dolls—probably the only activity that made me look like a girl. Graphic Haha. When I grew up, I went on to study design, with a major in Graphic Design, focusing mostly on illustrating works, and book design.

So how did I get into this? Well, to cut long story’s because I like reading comics, watching anime, and started doing cosplays. And that’s it! For an undergrad student, to hire a tailor to make a cosplay costume—it costs me almost one-third of my monthly allowance!

And when I look at the costume—my impression was “What!! You charge me XXX baht for this simple dress!”

So from then on, I convinced my friends who were also into cosplay to make our own outfits. We went through our wardrobes to find something that looks like our cosplay costume, each the patterns, and tried to adapt it to resemble the original costume as closely as possible (sometimes it does, but sometimes it does not...haha), and then did the sewing ourselves. Me and my friends went out and bought a cheapest sewing machine we could find, and tada~, our proudly presented home-made clothes looks ---censored---. I guess this is when it all started.

Oh, I just realize I still haven’t mentioned anything about making costumes for dolls. OK, here we go:

About four years ago, I travelled to Japan with a group of friends, and found a doll that I liked, so I brought it home with me (hmm, that’s probably why I didn’t play a doll when I was a child—I never found the type that I truly like!). I was very obsessed with this doll. Whenever I found anything suitable like a mini motorcycle, table, chair, or other little things, I bought them all. But what I wanted to have the most, but were not available (at least, in Thailand) are clothes! My first doll is a boy, but male outfits are so hard to find. So I decided I had to do it myself!

My first doll costume was modified from a mobile phone case that has a picture of a shirt on it. Then I started finding for pattern information from books and magazine. When it comes to sewing, I just look at the stitch to see how the tailor did it, then try to do the same. My friends always told me, “You might haven’t realize this yet, but you must really like this, because whenever you’re making the costume, you look like you’re having so much fun!”. And they talked me into selling these clothes. At the same time, in Thailand there’s a doll shop offering a small renting space for amateur doll collectors who want to sell their works — so I did it, primarily producing a style that pleases me. Then, I partnered up with my friends to open an online store, went to open a booth-sale in Hong Kong, and now, of course…I decide to join Elle and Shun Acho to create ‘Ardeur de l’amour’.

For me, Ardeur is a beginning of an important new chapter of my life. Thank you, Elle and Shun for striving so hard together to make today comes true. Also, a great appreciation to other friends for their guidance and continuous moral support!

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